英文原版 Governing the Commons Canto
英文原版 Governing the Commons 公共事物的治理之道 集体行动制度的演进 埃莉诺﹒奥斯特罗姆 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Governing through Goals Norichika Kanie 英文原版
【预订】Science for Governing Japan’s Population 9781009186834
【预售】Governing Public Colleges Universi(dp11)
预订 Governing Renewable Natural Resources: Theories and Frameworks 管理可再生自然资源:理论与框架: 9780367146702
预订 Governing Shale Gas: Development, Citizen Participation and Decision Making in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe
预订 Global Change in Marine Systems: Societal and Governing Responses: 9780367886516
预订 Governing Savages: Commonwealth and Aboriginies, 1911-39: 9780044421504
【预订】Governing Medical Knowledge Commons...
【预售】Case Studies In Fluid Mechanics With Sensitivities To Governing Variables
【预售】The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case
【预订】Governing Digital Transformation: Guidance for Corporate Board Members
【预订】Governing through Standards: the Faceless Masters of Higher Education
【预订】Governing Work and Welfare in a New Economy
【预订】The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus
【预订】Governing Metropolitan Transport
【预售】Governing Banking S Future: Markets vs. Regulatio
【预订】Riverine Ecosystem Management: Science for Governing Towards a Sustainable Future
【预售】Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal and State
预订 Governing Health: The Politics of Health Policy 治理健康:卫生政策的政治: 9781421428932
【预售】Governing Finance: East Asia's Adoption of Intern
[预订]Maturing the Snowflake Data Cloud: A Templated Approach to Delivering and Governing Snowflake in Lar 9781484293393
[预订]Governing Law Risks in International Business Transactions 9780192888648
预订 Governing the Palm Oil Industry: Perspectives from Southeast Asia and Latin America 管理棕榈油行业:来自东南亚与拉
【预售】Corporate Boards That Create Value: Governing
现货Governing Climate Change 9781032114194
预订 Governing Through Markets: Forest Certification and the Emergence of Non-State Authority 市场化治理:林木证书与无国
【预售】Governing Morals: A Social History of Moral
[预订]Governing Habits 9781501703133
【预售】Governing Immigration Through Crime: A Reader
【预订】The Collaborative Era in Science: Governing the Network
【预订】Governing Social Protection in the Long Term
预订 Governing Social Virtual Reality: Preparing for the Content, Conduct and Design Challenges of Immersive Social Medi
【预售】Governing Agricultural Sustainability
预订 Engineering and Governing the Climate: Ethical and Political Issues 工程与气候治理:伦理与政治问题: 9781538145609
预订 Democratic Governance in Bangladesh: Dilemmas of Governing 孟加拉国的民主治理:治理的困境: 9781032333533
[预订]Governing the Interlinkages between the SDGs 9781032184654
预订 The Rise of EU Police Cooperation: Governing Differentiated Integration 欧盟警务合作的兴起:管理差异化的集成: 97810
【预售】Governing Sustainable Cities
【预售】Governing Sustainable Urban Renewal: Partnerships in
预订 Governing Smart Specialisation 管理智能专业化(丛书): 9781138670877
预订 Governing Megacities in Emerging Countries
预订 Governing Security: Explorations of Policing and Justice 安全管理:维持治安与法律制裁探索: 9780415149617
【预售】Smart Cities: Governing, Modelling and
【预售】Governing International Watercourses
预订 Governing Borders and Security: The Politics of Connectivity and Dispersal 边界管理与安全:连通性与散居政治学: 9780
预订 Governing Families: Problematising Technologies in Social Welfare and Criminal Justice 管理家庭:社会福利与刑事司法
【预订】Governing Sound 9780226310602
【预订】Governing Digitally Integrated Genet...
预订 Governing the Global Clinic: HIV and the Legal Transformation of Medicine 治理全球诊所:艾滋病毒和医学的法律转型: 9
预订 Governing for Prosperity 为繁荣而治理: 9780300080186
【预售】Smart Cities 3.0: A new way of Governing
英文原版 Governing through Goals 通过目标管理 管理创新可持续发展的目标 政治 Norichika Kanie 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
通过目标管理 英文原版 Governing through Goals 管理创新可持续发展的目标 政治 Norichika Kanie 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
[预订]Azure Cloud Adoption Framework Handbook: A comprehensive guide to adopting and governing the cloud f 9781803244525
【预售】Governing the Climate Change Regime: Institutional Integrity and Integrity Systems
【预售】Governing Security: The Hidden Origins of American
【预售】Governing the Energy Transition
【预售】Governing Global Biodiversity
【预售】Governing Technology for Sustainability
预订 Governing Literate Populations: The Political Uses of Literacy in Securing Civil Society: 9780367232887
预订 The Natural Law of Cycles: Governing the Mobile Symmetries of Animals and Machines: 9781138516434
预订 Psychological Governance and Public Policy: Governing the Mind, Brain and Behaviour: 9781138624214
预订 Governing Insecurity in Japan: The Domestic Discourse and Policy Response: 9781138629127
预订 Accountability in Crises and Public Trust in Governing Institutions: 9781138822139
预订 Governing for Sustainable Urban Development
预订 Governing the Environment in the Early Modern World: Theory and Practice: 9780367152321
预订 Governing Complexity in the 21st Century 21世纪的治理复杂度: 9780367276270
预订 The Governing of Britain, 1688–1848: The Executive, Parliament and the People 英国统治 1688-1848 (HB: 0415229480
爱德华·德·拉布拉耶的政治童话 英文原版 Smack-Bam or The Art of Governing Men: Political Fairy Tales of édouard Laboul
【预订】Governing Future Emergencies
【预售】Crime, Disorder and Symbolic Violence: Governing
【预售】Governing the Climate Change Regime
【预售】Understanding and Governing Sustainable Tourism Mobility
预订 Governing Biodiversity through Democratic Deliberation 通过民主协商治理生物多样性: 9780415732185
【预订】The Last Empires: Governing Ourselves, Our Nations, and Our World
预订 Governing of Men 管理人: 9780691622699
预订 Governing Globalization
【预售】Laws and Ordinances Governing the City of Chicago
[预订]Zoo Veterinarians: Governing Care on a Diseased Planet
【预售】Governing Nano Foods: Principles-Based Responsive
预订 Governing Health Systems: For Nations and Communities Around the World: 9781942108009
【预订】Governing the Nexus
【预售】Governing Future Technologies: Nanotechnology and
【预订】Governing Business Systems: Theories...
【预订】Governing the Nexus: Water, Soil and...
【预订】Factors Governing Tin Whisker Growth
【预订】Measuring the Effectiveness of Regional Governing Systems