【现货】跨大西洋世界的黑人现代主义 【Seminar Papers】Black Modernisms in the Transatlantic World英文艺术总论 原版图书进
【预售】哈莱姆文艺复兴与跨大西洋现代主义The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic 原版英文艺术画册画集
【现货】[XJ]英文原版 跨大西洋世界的黑人现代主义 Black Modernisms in the Transatlantic World 艺术历史与评论 正版进口书籍
【现货】跨大西洋世界的黑人现代主义 Black Modernisms in the Transatlantic World 原版英文艺术画册画集 正版进口书
【预售】哈莱姆文艺复兴与跨大西洋现代主义The Harlem Renaissance and Transatlantic英文艺术画册 正版进口图书
预订 The Transatlantic Design Network: Thomas Jefferson, John Soane, and Agents of Architectural Exchange
【预订】Transatlantic Literature and Transitivity, 1780-1850
预订 Literary Agents in the Transatlantic Book Trade: American Fiction, French Rights, and the Hoffman Agency 跨大西洋图
预订 Transatlantic Reflections on the Practice-Based PhD in Fine Art: 9781138085039
预订 The Legacy of Thomas Paine in the Transatlantic World: 9780367876050
预订 Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Reprinting and the Embodied Book 19世纪跨大西洋重印与具体化的书: 9781032926773
预订 Memory in Transatlantic Relations: From the Cold War to the Global War on Terror 跨大西洋关系中的记忆:从冷战到全球
预订 Gatt And Conflict Management: A Transatlantic Strategy For A Stronger Regime 加特与冲突管理:加强政权的跨大西洋战略
预订 American Pop Art in France: Politics of the Transatlantic Image
预订 Transatlantic Literary Exchanges, 1790-1870: Gender, Race, and Nation 跨大西洋文学交流 1790-1870:性别、种族与国家:
预订 Modernist Experiments in Genre, Media, and Transatlantic Print Culture: 9780367346782
预订 Transatlantic Literary Ecologies: Nature and Culture in the Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Atlantic World: 978036788
[预订]Transatlantic History 9781585444861
[预订]Indigenous Journeys, Transatlantic Perspectives 9781611864694
【预售】Alexander's Transatlantic Sketches
预订 Nature’s Noblemen: Transatlantic Masculinities and the Nineteenth-century American West 天生*:大西洋彼岸男子气概
【预售】Transatlantic Literary Studies, 1660 1830
预订 Money in the air. Art dealers and the making of a transatlantic market, 1880-1930.: Art Dealers and the Making of a
【预售】Transatlantic Women: Nineteenth-Century American
[预订]Modernist Authorship and Transatlantic Periodical Culture: 1895-1925 9781350235403
【预订】Transatlantic Science and Technology
预订 Construction of New Type Transatlantic Receiving Sets
[预订]New Orleans and the Creation of Transatlantic Opera, 1819-1859 9780226823089
【预订】The Transatlantic Collapse of Urban ...
【预售】Chester's Transatlantic Sketches
【预售】The U.S. South and Europe: Transatlantic Relation
【预售】Transatlantic Dialogue: Selected American
【预售】Transatlantic Sketches: Comprising Vis
【预售】The European Productivity Agency and Transatlantic
【预售】Scottish Transatlantic Merchants, 1611-1785
【预售】The Fante and the Transatlantic Slav...
【预售】Performing Authorship in the Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Lecture Tour
【预售】The Transatlantic Gothic Novel and the Law, 1790–1860
【预售】Transatlantic Literary Exchanges, 1790–1870
【预售】Transatlantic Sensations
【预售】Reimagining the Transatlantic, 1780-1890
【预售】Romantic Readers and Transatlantic Travel
预订 The Transnational Political Participation of Immigrants: A Transatlantic Perspective 从跨大西洋透析跨国政策: 978041
预订 Philanthropy and Light: Carnegie Libraries and the Advent of Transatlantic Standards for Public Space 慈善事业与光
预订 Building Transatlantic Italy
预订 Transatlantic Literary Ecologies: Nature and Culture in the Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Atlantic World 跨大西洋的
预订 Becoming Americans in Paris: Transatlantic Politics and Culture between the World Wars 重新解读在巴黎的美国人:世界
【预订】Transatlantic Antifascisms: From the...
预订 The United States and the Transatlantic Slave Trade to the Americas, 1776-1867 美国与对美跨大西洋奴隶贸易,1776-186
[预订]Short History of Transatlantic Slavery, A 9781780763866
【预售】Transatlantic Stories and the History of Reading
【预售】Modernist Experiments in Genre, Media, and Transatlantic Print Culture
【预售】Literary Agents in the Transatlantic Book Trade
预订 Participant Observer: A Memoir of a Transatlantic Life: 9781138512962
【预售】The New Economy in Transatlantic Perspective
预订 Philanthropy and Light: Carnegie Libraries and the Advent of Transatlantic Standards for Public Space: 978113811830
预订 Race and Transatlantic Identities: 9781138344143
预订 Changing Transatlantic Security Relations: Do the U.S, the EU and Russia Form a New Strategic Triangle?: 9780415544
预订 Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century: Europe, America and the Rise of the Rest: 9780415748117
预订 Robert Burns and Transatlantic Culture: 9781138107816
预订 The Transatlantic Las Casas: Historical Trajectories, Indigenous Cultures, Scholastic Thought, and Reception in His
[预订]Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I 9781496825681
预订 The Women of Rendezvous: A Transatlantic Story of Family and Slavery 约会的女人:跨大西洋的家庭和奴隶故事: 97814696
【预售】Emerson's Transatlantic Romanticism
【预售】Imagining Transatlantic Slavery
【预售】America's Transatlantic Turn: Theodo...
【预售】Ford Madox Ford & the "Transatlantic Review"
预订 Transatlantic Reflections on the Practice-Based PhD in Fine Art 基于实践的艺术博士:美国与英国展望(丛书): 9781138
【预售】Genetic Discrimination: Transatlantic
预订 Transatlantic Encounters: Latin American Artists in Paris Between the Wars 跨大西洋的遭遇:战争之间的巴黎的拉丁美洲
【预订】The Transatlantic Kindergarten
[预订]Jazz Transatlantic, Volume II 9781496825698
【预售】Transatlantic Spectacles of Race: The Tragic Mulatta
【预售】Media Transatlantic: Developments in Media and Communication Studies between North American and German-spe...
【预售】Institutionalisation beyond the Nation State: Transatlantic Relations: Data, Privacy and Trade Law
【预售】Interpreting the Early Modern World: Transatlantic
[预订]Handbook of Transatlantic North American Studies 9783110376371
预订 Transatlantic Aliens: Modernism, Exile, and Culture in Midcentury America 跨大西洋侨民: 9781421420943
【预售】Transatlantic Encounters: American Indians in
[预订]Jazz Transatlantic, Volume II 9781496806086
[预订]Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I 9781628462302
【预售】Love in the Time of Revolution: Transatlantic
预订 Illustration in Fin-de-Siècle Transatlantic Romance Fiction 世纪末跨大西洋浪漫小说插图: 9781032212067
【预订】Stravinsky in the Americas, 23: Transatlantic Tours and Domestic Excursions from Warti 9780520299924
预订 Contesting Earth’s History in Transatlantic Literary Culture, 1860-1935: Believers and Visionaries on the Borderli
【预订】Transatlantic Obligations
预订 Transatlantic Literary Studies: A Reader 跨大西洋文学研究:读本: 9780801887314
【预售】Romanticism and Slave Narratives: Transatlantic
【预售】The Dominion of the World 2: The Transatlantic
【预售】The Transatlantic Century: Europe and
【预售】Transatlantic Television Drama
【预售】Sound Diplomacy: Music and Emotions in Transatlantic
【预订】Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade