【预订】Generalized Weibull Distributions
【预订】The Weibull Distribution
【预售】Using the Weibull Distribution: Reliability
【预售 按需印刷】Statistical Inference from Modified Weibull Distribution
使用韦伯分布 可靠性 建模与推论 Using The Weibull Distribution 英文原版 John McCool【中商原版】
海外直订Generalized Weibull Distributions 广义的威布尔分布
海外直订The Weibull Distribution: A Handbook 威布尔分布手册
海外直订Revising Rd Program Budgets When Considering Funding Curtailment with a Weibull 用Weibull模型考虑资金削
海外直订Relating Initial Budget to Program Growth with Rayleigh and Weibull Models 用Rayleigh和Weibul
威布尔分布模型与可靠性应用 Weibull Models 英文原版 D N Prabhakar Murthy 数学应用统计学【中商原版】
【4周达】The Weibull Distribution: A Handbook [9781420087437]
预订 Statistical Inference for Inverse Weibull Model [9783659345968]
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预订 The Exponentiated Weibull Family [9783330850095]
预订 Statistical Inference for Inverse Weibull Model [9783330853829]
预订 Exploration of the Weibull Distribution Under the Bayesian Paradigm [9786202051194]
【4周达】Generalized Weibull Distributions [9783642391057]
【4周达】The Weibull Distribution: A Handbook [9780367577469]
【4周达】Weibull Models [Wiley统计学] [9780471360926]
预订 Weibull Distribution: Generalizations and Applications [9786200431721]
预订 Statistical Inference from Modified Weibull Distribution [9783659492853]
【4周达】Using The Weibull Distribution: Reliability, Modeling, And Inference [Wiley统计学] [9781118217986]
海外直订Weibull Distribution 威布尔分布
预订【德语】 Stress-Resilienz-Methoden Weibull-Verteilung:Weibull-Spannungs-Widerstands-Methodik
威布尔分布weibull程序源码 三参数评估与计算 威布尔分布拟合
【24小时左右发货】 演化博弈论 [瑞典]乔根·W.威布尔(JörgenW.Weibull)著,王永钦 译 格致出版社 9787543234130