【预售】Embodiment in Socially Interactive Robots
【预订】Embodiment of Musical Creativity
预订 Perspectives on Embodiment: The Intersections of Nature and Culture: 9780415915861
预订 Tourism and Embodiment 旅游与体现: 9780367785253
预订 Body/Embodiment: Symbolic Interaction and the Sociology of the Body 身体/化身:符号互动与身体社会学: 9780367603946
【预售】Making Place: Space and Embodiment in the City
[预订]Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture
[预订]Affect as Contamination: Embodiment in Bioart and Biotechnology 9781350333000
[预订]Visceral Prostheses: Somatechnics and Posthuman Embodiment 9781350176492
预订 Music, Mind, and Embodiment
预订 The Body in Language: Comparative Studies of Linguistic Embodiment 身体语言:深入语境的比较研究: 9789004274280
【预售】Bodies of Thought: Embodiment, Identity and
[预订]Embodiment 9783110193275
【预售】Sensory Perceptions in Language, Embodiment and Epistemology
【预售】Embodiment and Cognitive Science
【预订】Mind in Architecture: Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design
【预订】The Feeling of Embodiment
【预订】Immersive Embodiment
[预订]Experimental Methods in Embodied Cognition: How Cognitive Psychologists Approach Embodiment 9781032256139
预订 Consuming Bodies: Body Commodification and Embodiment in Late Capitalist Societies 消耗身体:晚期资本主义社会的身体
【预订】Primo Levi’s Narratives of Embodiment
【预订】Conceptual and Interactive Embodiment
【预订】Perceptual and Emotional Embodiment
预订 Soul, Body, and Gender in Late Antiquity: Essays on Embodiment and Disembodiment: 9780367744274
预订 Paracelsus’s Theory of Embodiment: Conception and Gestation in Early Modern Europe 帕拉塞尔苏斯的具象化理论:现代
【预售】Ars Et Ingenium: The Embodiment of Ima
预订 Digital Space and Embodiment in Contemporary Cinema: Screening Composite Spaces 当代电影中的物质性与数字空间:筛选
预订 The Camera as Actor: Photography and the Embodiment of Technology 作为演员的相机:摄影与技术的体现: 9780367652937
【预售】Sleep, Romance and Human Embodiment: Vitality from
【预订】Sleep, Romance and Human Embodiment
【预售】The Implications of Embodiment: Cognition and
[预订]Transformation, Embodiment, and Wellbeing in Foreign Language Pedagogy: Enacting Deep Learning 9781350254480
[预订]Art and Creativity in an Era of Ecocide: Embodiment, Performance and Practice 9781350237223
预订 Becoming Weather: Weather, Embodiment and Affect 天气:天气、体现和影响: 9781032372952
【预售】Embodiment in Qualitative Research
预订 Perspectives on Embodiment: The Intersections of Nature and Culture: 9780415915854
预订 Ideal Embodiment: Kant's Theory of Sensibility
预订 Posthuman Ethics: Embodiment and Cultural Theory: 9781138053618
【预售】Self-Care: Embodiment, Personal Autonomy and the
预订 Distinctions in the Flesh: Social Class and the Embodiment of Inequality: 9781138598768
预订 Drawing Imagining Building: Embodiment in Architectural Design Practices 绘画想象建筑:在建筑设计实践中的体现: 9780
[预订]Language Incompetence: Learning to Communicate Through Cancer, Disability, and Anomalous Embodiment 9781032078915
[预订]Building Embodiment 9781032068312
【预售】Pole Dancing, Empowerment and Embodiment
【预售】Knowing Shakespeare: Senses, Embodiment and
【预订】Corporeal Legacies in the Us South: Memory and Embodiment in Contemporary Culture
预订 Animation, Embodiment, and Digital Media
【预订】Animation, Embodiment, and Digital Media
【预订】Embodiment and Eating Disorders
预订 Methodologies of Embodiment: Inscribing Bodies in Qualitative Research 方*具体化:定性研究中的主体描述: 97804158169
【预订】Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy 9780367136628
【预订】Toward a Phenomenology of Addiction: Embodiment, Technology, Transcendence
【预售】Immaterial Bodies: Affect, Embodiment, Mediation
[预订]Humanism and Embodiment 9781474269216
【预售】Culture as Embodiment: The Social Tuning of
【预售】Embodiment and Education: Exploring Creatural Exi
【预订】Derived Embodiment in Abstract Langu...
【预售】Derived Embodiment in Abstract Language
Architecture and Embodiment 建筑与体现 伊利诺伊理工学院荣休教授H.F.马尔格雷夫
【预订】Embodiment, Identity, and Gender in the Early Modern Age
预订 Instruments of Embodiment: Costuming in Contemporary Dance: 9780367644826
预订 Body Images: Embodiment as Intercorporeality: 9780415918039
预订 How to Make the Body: Difference, Identity, and Embodiment 如何塑造身体:差异、身份与体现: 9781350194083
预订 Why Do Actors Train?: Embodiment for Theatre Makers and Thinkers 演员为什么要训练?适合戏剧创作者与思想家的化身: 97
【预订】Embodiment, Relation, Community: A Continental Philosophy of Communication
【预售】Journeys of Embodiment at the Intersection of Body and Culture
【预订】Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy 9780367784164
【预订】Geographies of Embodiment in Early Modern England
预订 Embodiment im Stressmanagement
【预订】The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and Learning 9783030930004
【预订】Visual Metaphor and Embodiment in Graphic Illness Narratives
【预售】Excess and Embodiment in Contemporary Women's
【预订】Architectures of Embodiment 9783035801996
【预售】Fallen Forests: Emotion, Embodiment, and Ethics in
[预订]Embodiment and the Cosmic Perspective in Twentieth-Century Fiction
[预订]Embodiment, Expertise, and Ethics in Early Modern Europe 9780367532857
预订 The Embodiment of Meaning: Why Matter Matters for Cognition and Experience 意义的体现:为什么物质对认知与经验很重要
预订 Methodologies of Embodiment: Inscribing Bodies in Qualitative Research 体现的方*:定性研究中的主体: 978036759855
预订 Conversations on Embodiment Across Higher Education: Teaching, Practice and Research 谈高等教育中的体现:教学、实践
[预订]Embodiment, Identity and Disability Sport 9781032237923
预订 Korean Adoptees and Transnational Adoption: Embodiment and Emotion 韩国收养者与跨国收养:体现与情感: 9780367671488
预订 Queering Fat Embodiment 奇怪的脂肪化身: 9780367600778
预订 Embodiment and Disembodiment in Live Art: From Grotowski to Hologram 现场艺术中的具身与脱身:从格罗托夫斯基到全息图
【预售】Primo Levi’s Narratives of Embodiment
预订 Ars et Ingenium: The Embodiment of Imagination in Francesco di Giorgio Martini’s Drawings: 9781138229341
预订 The Style of Gestures: Embodiment and Cognition in Literary Narrative 手势风格:文学叙事中的体现与认知: 97814214051
【预订】Phenomenologies of Grace: The Body, Embodiment, and Transformative Futures
【预订】Charlotte Brontë, Embodiment and the Material World
【预售】Anatomising Embodiment and Organization
[预订]Making Sense of Mind-Game Films: Narrative Complexity, Embodiment, and the Senses 9781501337048
[预订]Making Sense of Mind-Game Films: Narrative Complexity, Embodiment, and the Senses 9781501376276
【预售】Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment
预订 Embodiment – ein innovatives Konzept für Entwicklungsforschung und Psychoanalyse 体现——发展研究和精神分析的创新
预订 Embodiment, Political Economy and Human Flourishing: An Embodied Cognition Approach to Economic Life 化身、政治经济
【预订】A Companion to the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment
【预订】Working with Embodiment in Supervision