【预订】The Tourism, Hospitality and Events Student’s Guide to Study and Employability
预订 Approaches to Work-Based Learning in Higher Education: Improving Graduate Employability 高等教育基于工作的学习方法
预订 Studying for your Future Employability
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预订 Internationalization and Employability in Higher Education 高等教育国际化与就业能力: 9780815368342
预订 Developing Graduate Employability Skills: Your Pathway to Employment: 9781627340564
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预订 Contribution of Professional and Technological Education: Improving women’s employability and income 專業技術教育
【预订】Developing Mental Toughness in Young People: Approaches to Achievement, Well-Being, Employability, and Pos...
预订 Employability and Skills Handbook for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Students 旅游、接待与活动学生的*业能力与技能
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预订 Emigration, Employability and Higher Education in the Philippines: 9780367375744
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【预订】The Employability Journal
预订 Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability: Rethinking the Possibilities 提高毕业生*业能力的创新
预订 Enhancing Student Education Transitions and Employability: From Theory to Practice 加强学生的教育过渡和*业能力:从
预订 HRM and Employability: Mutual Gains or Conflicting Outcomes? 人力资源管理与*业能力:互惠互利还是结果冲突?: 978103
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【预订】The Business Student’s Guide to Study and Employability
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预订 Sustainable and Dynamic Graduate Employability: A Comparative Overview across Geographies 可持续与动态的毕业生就业
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预订 Education for Employability (Volume 1): The Employability Agenda 就业教育(卷一),就业能力议程: 9789004400818
预订 Education for Employability (Volume 2): Learning for Future Possibilities 就业教育(卷二),为未来可能性学习: 97890
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【预订】Enhancing Employability in Higher Education Through Work Based Learning
【预订】Enhancing Employability in Higher Education through Work Based Learning
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预订 Internationalization and Employability in Higher Education 高等教育国际化与就业能力: 9780815368335
预订 HRM and Employability: Mutual Gains or Conflicting Outcomes? 人力资源管理与*业能力:互惠还是冲突?: 9781032354996
【微瑕清仓】Brilliant Employability Skills: How to Stand Out from the Crowd in the Graduate Job Market
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预订 How to Include Employability in the Law School 如何将*业能力纳入法学院课程: 9781035302307
【预订】Lifelong Employability
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预订 Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability: Rethinking the Possibilities 提高毕业生就业能力的创新
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预订 How to Enable the Employability of University Graduates 如何提高高校毕业生的*业能力: 9781803926506
预售 按需印刷 Internationalization and Employability in Higher Education
预售 按需印刷Employability. Das Ph?nomen Besch?ftigungsf?higkeit aus Sicht der Arbeitgeber und Individuen德语ger
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【预售 按需印刷】The Business Student s Guide to Study and Employability
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预售 按需印刷 Building Soft Skills for Employability
预售 按需印刷 Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability
预售 按需印刷 A Handbook on Employability Skills
预售 按需印刷Employability德语ger
预售 按需印刷 The Business Student's Guide to Study and Employability
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