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【预订】Resettlement Challenges for Displaced Populations and Refugees
【预售】Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook: Planning and
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预订 Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement: New perspectives on persisting problems: 9781138630420
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预订 Displaced Persons, Resettlement and the Legacies of War: From War Zones to New Homes 流离失所者、重新安置与战争遗产
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海外直订Rethinking Urban Risk and Resettlement in the Global South 重新思考南方国家的城市风险和重新安置问题
海外直订Land Access and Resettlement 土地使用权及安置
海外直订Resettlement of Displaced Persons on the Thai-Myanmar Border 泰缅边境流离失所者的重新安置
海外直订Displacement and Resettlement in India 印度的流离失所和重新安置
预售 按需印刷 Country Frameworks for Development Displacement and Resettlement
海外直订Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement: New Perspectives on Persistin 开发导致的流离失所和重新安
海外直订Managing Community Resettlement: Putting Livelihoods First 管理社区安置:把生计放在第一位
海外直订Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement 日裔美国人撤离和重新安置
海外直订Humanitarian Impact of Resettlement of IDPs: A Case of Northern Iraq 重新安置国内流离失所者的人道主义影响:
海外直订Displaced Persons, Resettlement and the Legacies of War: From War Zones to New H 流离失所者、重新安置和战争
预订 Differentiated Land Allocation in Resettlement Schemes of Zambia [9783843392563]
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【4周达】Germans from the East : A Study of Their Migration, Resettlement and Subsequent Group Histor... [9789024750443]
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【4周达】The Polish Resettlement Corps 1946-1949: Britain's Polish Forces [9781912390892]
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【4周达】Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook: Planning and Implemention in Development Projects [9780821355763]
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【4周达】Belonging in a House Divided: The Violence of the North Korean Resettlement Process [9780520384231]
预订 Government Agricultural Resettlement Policy and the Responses of Farmers in Zimbabwe [9780530005324]
【4周达】The Spoilage: Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement During World War II [9780520014183]
【4周达】The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi [9781503630840]
【4周达】Refugee Resettlement: Power, Politics, and Humanitarian Governance [9781785339691]
【4周达】Refugee Resettlement: Power, Politics, and Humanitarian Governance [9781785339448]
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【4周达】The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi [9781503632134]
【4周达】Prisoner Resettlement: Policy and practice [9781843922537]
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